
How to edit the header and navigation option for your advertising site

Hanna avatar
Written by Hanna
Updated over a week ago

The Navigation offerers you options for a Side menu or a Top menu. This will determine the design of your menu.

Under Theme settings, you will find where to edit your header. The header is displayed at the top of your advertising site!

The Style section gives you two options, Sticky or Static. This will determine the style of your header when scrolling on your advertising site. If you prefer that the header follows when scrolling on your advertising site, choose the sticky option. If you don’t want the header to tag along when scrolling, choose the static option.

The Theme will determine the color and button in your header. You will be able to edit the color under the section Color themes. You will also see a preview of the chosen theme in the box below. Read more about how to edit your Color themes: https://support.ocast.com/en/articles/6640292-color-themes

Screen Recording 10-14-2022 at 2.25 PM

The option for the Transparent menu is checked in by default. This means that the header will be transparent until you start scrolling. Do you want the color of your heading to be visible right away? Simply, check out the "Transparent menu" box!

At the bottom of the header section, you will be able to upload your logos. You will be given the option of uploading your primary logo and a white logo. If you have a logo without a background color, preferably use that!

  • Depending on your settings and chosen colors, both logos aren't always required!

  • Does one of your logos not appear on your advertising page? It most likely depends on the contrast of the colors.

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