Color Themes

How to edit the color themes

Paula Gentzschein avatar
Written by Paula Gentzschein
Updated over a week ago

Your advertising site is built up by alternating color sections. One goes by the Primary theme and the other by the Secondary theme.

Under Theme settings, you will find where to edit your color themes.

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The Primary theme determines the color of the background, buttons, headings, text, and links of the primary sections of the advertising page.

The Secondary theme determines the color of the background, buttons, headings, text, and links of the secondary sections.

The Tertiary theme is a third theme option and is optional to use. If you wish to have a different color in your footer or header than the one chosen for your Primary or Secondary theme, the Tertiary theme comes in handy!

Button color: Some of the sections on your advertising site have buttons. The color of these buttons is determined by whether it is a primary och secondary section.

However, the color of the buttons in the Hero is determined by which theme is selected for these.

Read more about how to change the themes for Hero buttons:

The color of the button in the Header is determined by what theme is chosen for the header. Read more on how to edit your header:

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