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Open Requests and Credits
Open Requests and Credits

Information about open requests and credits

Hanna avatar
Written by Hanna
Updated over a week ago

In this article, you will learn what open requests are and how to handle them in your Ocast dashboard.

What is an open request?

An open request differs from a direct request. Earlier, advertisers were only able to send direct requests by browsing through hundreds of brands and influencers. By creating an open request, it is possible for advertisers to receive multiple offers.

An open request is created centrally through and is sent out to matching media kit preferences. The advertisers can choose specific advertising channels and services they are interested in. So make sure you have updated your advertising channels! Responding to an open request is optional.

How to respond to an open request and where to find them

When a new open request is published and matched to your media kit, you will receive an email.

Note: Make sure you have your email notifications turned on for open requests if you want to be notified!

If you find an open request relevant, you can send the advertiser a pitch. You will be able to access and unlock the open request in your dashboard under the open requests tab.

You will see an overview of the description, budget, media and other relevant information. To send a pitch, click on view request. This action requires unlocking the open request using 1 credit.

Once the action is confirmed, the unlocked request will automatically be transferred to the purchased requests tab. The next step is to send a pitch to the request.

Remember to send a pitch once you have purchased an open request!
Once the advertiser has answered your pitch, the contact information and name will become visible!

Add credits

If your organization has run out of credits, it is easy to purchase and add more. Only users with the correct access can add credits! Click on the + icon in the lower left section on your dashboard, under account balance. Type in the number of credits you would like to purchase for your organization under Amount and confirm by clicking the purchase credits button.

You will be able to preview the cost of adding the credits, depending on the purchased amount!

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Note: Credits are only used to view open requests. You don't need to use credits to view requests sent directly to your media kits!

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