Creating a Product

How to create a new product for your media kit.

Arif Celepli avatar
Written by Arif Celepli
Updated over a week ago

What is a product?

A product can be anything you offer in your media portfolio. It could be a banner spot, a native article, or an ad-page of a print magazine.

Whatever you are offering from your product mix to prospective clients can simply be created in your Ocast product dashboard.

Creating a product

It's easy to create new products.

To get started, enter your Ocast dashboard and select products on the left menu. You will be directed to the Product group dashboard where you will have to select the menu item products.

You will be forwarded to the product dashboard, giving you a full overview of the organization's products. You can search, filter and edit your already existing products, or create new products.

Click create product on the upper right corner of the page.

You will then be redirected to a new page.

To successfully create a product, you will need to fill in some of the descriptive fields outlining the product.

  • Title (name of your product)

  • Description (describe the product)

  • Cover image (one, or several representing images)

  • Price (if you prefer not to list the price, select "contact" under price type)

  • Option values (product details such as sizes, requirements etc.)

  • Visibility (toggle between public/private to let visitors show your product group)

  • Products group (connect created products to product group)

  • Category & sub-category (determines the category & sub-category tag of the product)

Price variation:

There is the possibility of adding price variations to your products. E.g. if the product has a weekly and a monthly price.

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Option values

Option values further detail the characteristics of the product. This section allows you to either choose from a set of predetermined values or add your own.

After selecting one of the option values or adding your own, enter the relevant data related to the product in the value tab.

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Note: If you have added price variations and want to add option values to your product, make sure they are typed in for every variation! πŸ‘‡

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Once all of the relevant information has been added, click create product in the upper right corner to save your work!

Note: A product can only be connected to one product group. If you wish to include the same product in different product groups, see our guide on how to duplicate products and product groups.

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