Setting up a Request Email

Set up a request email to make sure that customers can send you requests.

Elise Gwizdak avatar
Written by Elise Gwizdak
Updated over a week ago

There are two ways to set up request emails.

  1. Set one request email for your entire organisation.

  2. Set a request email for each brand.

Setting a request email for your entire media kit.

Start from your dashboard, click on Settings.

Then, click on Requests.

Type the email you want to receive requests.

Check the box if you want the requests to be forwarded to your various brands' email addresses.

Don't forget to save changes!

Setting a request email for each brand.

To do this, start from your dashboard. Click on the Settings button of the brand you would like to set a request email.

Then all you need to do is type an email into the request email box.

Remember to save changes!

You can repeat these steps for each of your brands if you want them to have different request emails.

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