Getting Started as an Influencer

How to get started as an influencer on Ocast.

Elise Gwizdak avatar
Written by Elise Gwizdak
Updated over a week ago

How can you get started quickly?

Easy! 😎

  1. Join Ocast

2. Fill-in

3. Fill in the information that is most relevant to your profile.

How to edit your profile when you have registered yourself as an influencer.

When you have registered yourself as an influencer on Ocast it is important that you edit the information on your profile.

Start off by adding a profile picture and a cover image.

To add the profile picture simply click on the small square and to add a cover image click on Add cover image.

Adding a description of your social channels is important so that advertisers know if your profile is a fit for them. To add a description click on the pen icon in the description field.

You can also add which advertising channels you work with to give advertisers an overview. To add your channels click on the pen icon in the Ocast advertising channels section.

Congratulations you are now listed as an influencer on Ocast!

You're ready to start now! πŸš€

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